本书为当代外语研究论丛之一。本书报告的实验旨在研究不同听力条件对中国大学生英语听力理解与附带词汇习得的影响,以及学生元认知听力策略意识、听力理解与附带词汇习得三者之间的相互关系。 研究的受试为172名大学本科新生,按照不同的听力条件被分为四组,分别是:收听一遍听力材料组,收听三遍听力材料组,图式意识提升训练后收听三遍听力材料组,以及推测策略训练后收听三遍听力材料组。 通过本研究得出结论:为了达到听力理解和词汇习得的目的,大学的英语学习者(尤其是低水平的学生)需要时间去加工语言输入;学生同样需要一定的时间去逐渐消化、使用他们所获得的元认知策略训练。研究的最后从教学角度就如何设计供听力理解与附带词汇习得使用的听力材料提出了建议。
最新章节 :
更新时间 : 2021-09-20 09:47
张志远先生年已97,是我国著名中医学者,从事教学与临床工作70余年,阅历宏富,被誉为“活字典”,日有所感,夜有所记,文辞畅雅,拔新领异,九百余条,皆系心血结晶,极可珍视,有重要价值。笔记简洁精当,内容包括包括医友经验、先父经验、师长经验、个人经验、古贤经验、个人验方、名家验方、经典探求等,反映了张志远先生宽广的学术视野和独特的学术思想,有较高的临床指导价值,深富教益。<br />
大将军蓝婉儿胜仗归来,皇帝有意赐婚,蓝家怕暴露蓝婉儿的女子身份,不得已让蓝婉儿先娶妻来应对。蓝婉儿一直以为自己娶了个姐妹却不想给自己娶了匹狼。 李轩逸本就是男儿郎,为了在侯府生存,从小被迫打扮成女儿身,此时作为侯府小姐嫁给大将军蓝婉儿。本打算结婚三个月后以诈死和离脱身,却不想新婚之夜竟发现大将军是女儿身,怀着好奇一丝丝深入却一发不可收拾……<br />
- 内容提要 09-20 Preface 09-20 前言 09-20
- List of Tables 09-20 List of Figures 09-20 1.1 English Teaching as a Foreign Language in Chinese Universities 09-20
- 1.2 Place of Listening Instruction in College English Courses in China 09-20 1.3.1 Listening Comprehension 09-20 1.3.2 Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition 09-20
- 1.3.3 Metacognitive Listening Awareness 09-20 1.3.4 Relationships among the Three Constructs 09-20 1.4 Aims of the Study 09-20
- 1.5 Summary of the Contents of Each Chapter 09-20 2.1 Introduction 09-20 2.2.1 Listening Comprehension and Listening Processes 09-20
- 2.2.2 Factors Affecting Listening Comprehension 09-20 2.2.3 Listening Strategies 09-20 2.3.1 Metacognition 09-20
- 2.3.2 Metacognitive Listening Awareness and Strategies 09-20 2.4.1 Definition of Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition 09-20 2.4.2 Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition through Listening 09-20
- 2.4.3 Assessing Vocabulary Knowledge from Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition 09-20 2.5 Summary of the Literature Review 09-20 3.1 Introduction 09-20
- 3.2 Research Questions of the Study 09-20 3.3 Participants 09-20 3.4 Design of the Study 09-20
- 3.5.1 Questionnaire 09-20 3.5.2 Listening Tasks 09-20 3.5.3 Vocabulary Tests 09-20
- 3.6 Schedule and Procedures of the Study 09-20 3.7.1 Methods Used to Collect and Analyze the Data 09-20 3.7.2 Descriptive Statistics 09-20
- 3.8.1 The Correlational Study 09-20 3.8.2 The Experimental Study 09-20 3.9 Discussion 09-20
- 3.10 Problems and Solutions 09-20 4.1 Introduction 09-20 4.2 Research Questions 09-20
- 4.3 Research Design 09-20 4.4 Participants 09-20 4.5.1 Listening Tasks 09-20
- 4.5.2 Questionnaire 09-20 4.5.3 Vocabulary Tests 09-20 4.6 Schedule of the Study 09-20
- 4.7 Data Collection and Analysis 09-20 5.1 Introduction 09-20 5.2.1 Comparison of the Two Cycles of Listening Comprehension (LC) Scores 09-20
- 5.2.2 Comparison of the Two Cycles of Vocabulary Acquisition (VA) Scores 09-20 5.2.3 Summary of Comparison of the Two Cycles of Listening Activities 09-20 5.3.1 Results for Listening Comprehension 09-20
- 5.3.2 Results for Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition 09-20 5.3.3 Summary of the Results for Research Question One 09-20 5.4.1 Correlations between Listening Comprehension (LC) and Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition (IVA) 09-20
- 5.4.2 Correlations between Listening Comprehension (LC) and Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition (IVA) 09-20 5.5.1 Effects of Different Listening Conditions on Listening Comprehension 09-20 5.5.2 Effects of Different Listening Conditions on Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition 09-20
- 5.5.3 Relationship between the Learners' listening Comprehension and Incidental Vocabulary Acquisiti 09-20 5.6 Conclusion 09-20 6.1 Introduction 09-20
- 6.2.1 Descriptive Statistics for Metacognitive Listening Awareness for Cycle 1 09-20 6.2.2 Descriptive Statistics for Metacognitive Listening Awareness for Cycle 2 09-20 6.3.1 The Relationship between Metacognitive Listening Awareness (MA) and Listening Comprehension (L 09-20
- 6.3.2 The Relationship between Metacognitive Listening Awareness (MA) and Incidental Vocabulary Acqu 09-20 6.3.3 Summary of the Main Results for Research Questions Three and Four 09-20 6.4.1 Discussion of the Results for Research Question Three 09-20
- 6.4.2 Discussion of the Results for Research Question Four 09-20 6.5 Conclusion 09-20 7.1 The Aim, Background and Methodology of the Study 09-20
- 7.2 Summary of the Main Findings 09-20 7.3.1 Theoretical Implications 09-20 7.3.2 Pedagogical Implications 09-20
- 7.4 Limitations 09-20 7.5 Further Research 09-20 7.6 Conclusion 09-20
- Appendix A: Metacognitive Awareness Listening Questionnaire (the MALQ) 09-20 Appendix B: Tables of the Pilot Study 09-20 Appendix C: Listening Tasks and Texts 09-20
- Appendix D: Vocabulary Tests 09-20 Appendix E: Appendix Tables of Chapter Five 09-20 Appendix F: Appendix Tables of Chapter Six 09-20
- References 09-20 Index 09-20 Acknowledgments 09-20